Friday, November 30, 2012

Saker Falcon (Falco cherrug)

I would like to thank the Global Raptor Information NetworkBirdLife International and the Internet Bird Collection for providing the information on this species and Sergey YeliseevJulia SumangilAlastair Rae for letting me use their amazing photographs.

The Saker Falcon is among the top of the list of raptors for falconers around the world. Due to its large size and versatility in the hunt. This raptor can take small to medium seized mammals with out a problem and provides an absolutely spectacular show when it comes to hunting birds in flight, although it might be argued that it doesn't put up the most spectacular show when compared to other raptors. It is also one of the favorite raptors to crate hybrids with. But it is also because of this interest that the Saker Falcon is on the Endangered list, for its unsustainable capture for the falconry market and other threats like habitat degradation and the impact of agrochemicals. 

Although the recent survey's on the population status might not be  100% accurate, further studies need to be carried out as quickly as possible to get a more realistic population status. Currently their population is estimated to be around 12,800 to 30,800 mature individuals (Birdlife International 2012). 


The Saker Falcon is considered to be a large falcon and is also included in the Subgenus Hierofalcon which includes four closely related species; Saker Falcon, GyrFalcon, Lanner Falcon and the Lagger Falcon. Some authors even dispute that the GyrFalcon is just a color morph of the Saker Falcon and that the Altai Falcon (Falcon cherrug altaicus) is a natural hybrid between the Saker and the Gryfalcon. It can grow to be 47-55 cm in length and have a wingspan of 105-130 cm. Its plumage is similar to that of the Lanner Falcon but its wings make it look like a Gyrfalcon in flight. The males and females are similar but he female tends to have plumage that resemble the juveniles  but they tend to be a duller brown. The juveniles of the Lanner and Saker Falcons are almost identical but the Saker Falcon has a buff top on its head with dark streaks.

Author: Sergey Yeliseev


The Saker Falcon has a very large range in which it occurs and so their diets can very depending on the prey available in their area. Common prey items consist of the following:

Susliks (Spermophilus spp.)
Ground Squirrels
Crows (Corvus spp.)
Voles (Microtus spp.)
Eurasian Linnet (Carduelis cannabina)
Black-tailed Godwits (Limosa limosa)
Black-headed Gull (Chroicocephalus ridibundus)
Pikas (Ochotona spp.)
Chukar (Alectoris chukar)
Pallas's Sandgrouse (Syrrhaptes paradoxus)
Steppe Hare (Lepus tolai)
Gerbils (Meriones spp.)
Mongolian Marmots (Marmota sibirica)

Chukar (Alectoris chukar)
 Author : Julia Sumangil

Pallas's Pika (Ochotona pallasi)
Author: Alastair Rae

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Madagascar Serpent Eagle(Eutriorchis astur)

I would like to thank the Global Raptor Information NetworkBirdLife International and the Internet Bird Collection for providing the information on this species and Mr. Dubi Shapiro, Mr. Arthor Chapman, Mr. Frank Vassen, Mr. Christoph Scholz and Mr. Olaf Pronk for letting me use their amazing photographs. 

This species was first recorded in 1875 by Sharpe. It can grow to lengths of 2'2"  and is said to be a medium sized bird. It has brown upper parts, with narrow, blackish bands on the crown, nape, and the ear coverts. Underparts are light brown. It has yellow eyes with long powerful, yellowish, heavily-scaled legs. It's population runs between some 250-999 birds with the numbers decreasing due to habitat reduction and commercial logging activities. A recent Study in 2005 by Lerner and Mindell concluded that the Madagascar Serpent Eagle is closely related to Gypaetinae subfamily which includes the Palm-Nut Vulture, Egyptian Vulture (Neophron percnopterus), and the Bearded Vulture (Gypaetus barbatus). It is said to live within the Masoala National Park.

Author: Dubi Shapiro

Not too long ago what we knew of this species came from 11 specimens. It was very rare to spot the bird and so it was thought to be in immediate danger of extinction until 1993 when a field team from the Peregrine Fund captured and photographed one of these magnificent birds. then in more recent years thanks to studies by Russell Thorstrom, Lily René de Roland, Steve Goodman they have managed to prove that this raptor in more common than previously expected, although they are still quite rare and they are susceptible to habitat loss which makes them even more vulnerable.


Most accounts of the Madagascar Serpent Eagle have been with in the heavy rain forest areas and two of the sights have been near rivers. It might be safe to safe that they reside in areas like the one in the photo below courtesy of Mr. Frank Vassen, who was so kind to let me use his spectacular photo.

AuthorFrank Vassen


A study carried out in 2003 reported the following results from two nest sites, Thorstrom et al. (2003)

- 264 (85.1%) Chameleons and Geckos
- 42 (13.2%) Frogs 
- 2 (0.7%) Snakes
- 2 (0.7%) Bats
- 1 (0.3%) Insect

The chameleons included species from the Calumna and Furcifer genus like the Parson's Chameleon and the Panther Chameleon:

Panther Chameleon (Furcifer pardalis)
 Author: Christoph Scholz

Parson's Chameleon (Calumna parsonii)

There were various geckos but all of them seemed to be from the Leaf-tailed Gecko family like the Giant Leaf-tailed Gecko (Uroplatus fimbriatus)
AuthorFrank Vassen

The frogs that were present pertained to the Boophis and Mantidactylus genus. A good example would be the Boophis madagascariensis (Madagascar Bright-eyed Frog)

Author: Arthur Chapman

All of the snakes pertained to the genus Stenophis

Author: © Olaf Pronk

Monday, November 26, 2012

Crowned Solitary Eagle( Harpyhaliaetus coronatus)

I would like to thank the Global Raptor Information NetworkBirdLife International and the Internet Bird Collection for providing the information on this species and Mr. Serge Aubert, Mr. Carlos Alejandro Alderete, Mr. Tedd Santana, Mr. Cláudio Timm and Mr. Cristiano Dalla Rosa for letting me use there amazing photographs.

First observed in 1817 by Vieillot, the Crowned Solitary Eagle is said to be a large,powerful, crested eagle. It has long, broad wings with a short tail. It's color is a dull salty-grey, which is slightly dark on the wings. It can grow up to 2'6"-3' long.  This spices can be found in Brazil, Paraguay, Bolivia, and Argentina. Although there are 250-999 birds today, there numbers are decreasing due to habitat destruction and hunting.

Author: Serge Aubert

It can be seen anywhere from grasslands and pastures to light wooded foot hills and brush lands. It might be safe to say that one can observe this eagle within the following habitat depicted in the photo.

Author: Tedd Santana


Studies have shown the following food sources for this magnificent raptor:

Nine-banded Armadillos (Dosypus novemcinctus)
Southern Three-banded Armadillo (Tolypeutes mataco)
Teid Lizard (Tupinambis merianae)
Crab-eating Fox* (Cerdocyon thous)
Deer* (Blastocercus dichotomus)

* These were carrion.

Tied Lizard (Tupinambis merianae)
Author: Cláudio Timm

Crab-eating Fox (Cerdocyon thous)

List of Critically Endangered Birds of Prey as of 2012

Madagascar Fish-Eagle (Haliaetus vociferoides)
Great Philippine Eagle (Pithecophaga jefferyi)

Ridgway's Hawk (Buteo ridgwayi)
Flores Hawk-Eagle (Nisaetus floris)

Cuban Kite (Chodrohierax wilsonii)
White-Collared Kite (Leptodon forbesi)

White-Rumped Vulture (Gyps bengalensis)
California Condor (Gymnogyps californiauns)
Indian Vulture (Gyps indicus)
Red-Headed Vulture (Sarcogyps calvus)

Pernambuco Pygmy-Owl (Glaucidium mooreorum)
Forest Owlet (Heteroglaux blewitti)Anjouan Scops-Owl (Otus capnodes)
Moheli Scops-Owl (Otus moheliensis)
Grand Comoro Scops-Owl (Otus pauliani)
Siau Scops-Owl (Otus siaoensis)

*If possible descriptions and photos will be provided of all of the above.

List of Endangered Raptors as of 2012

-Gundlach's Hawk (Accipiter gundlachi)

-Reunion Harrier (Circus maillardi)

-Madagascar Serpent-Eagle (Eutriorchis ostur)

-Saker Falcon (Falco cherrug)

-White-Backed Vulture (Gyps africanus)

-Rueppell's Vulture (Gyps rueppellii)

-Crowned Solitary Eagle (Harpyhaliaetus coronotus)

-Blakiston's Fish-Owl (Ketupa blakistoni)

-Grey-Backed Hawk (Leucopternis occidentalis)

-Hooded Vulture (Necrosyrtes monachus)

-Egyptian Vulture (Neophron percnopterus)

-Javan Hawk-Eagle (Nisaetus bartilsi)

-Flores Scops-owl (Otus alfredi)

-Biak Scops-owl (Otus beccarii)

-Seychelles Scops-owl (Otus insularis)

-Sokoke Scops-owl (Otus ireneae)

-Serendib Scops-owl (Otus thilohofmanni)

-Congo Bay-owl (Phodilus prigoginei)

-Taliabu Masked-Owl (Tyto nigrobrunnea)

-Long-whiskered Owlet (Xenoglaux loweryi)

* Pictures and descriptions will be provided for each raptor if possible.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

My Appologies

The blog will be under going several changes within the next couple of day so please bear with me and come back as often as you can. Thank you very much and have a great day.



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